Solar Attic Fans That Can Keep Your Attic Cool
At Texas Home Pros, we offer a range of home energy efficiency solutions, most of them intended for the attic. Why so much attention on the attic? Because a hot attic can lead to excessive energy usage. One of our tried-and-true remedies for a hot attic is a solar fan, a state-of-the-art solution available to homeowners in San Antonio and South Central Texas.
Problems That Can Arise With a Hot Attic
Oftentimes, a home’s HVAC system is installed in the attic. When you consider that your attic can reach temperatures of up to 140 degrees, it’s easy to see how an HVAC unit can be put under tremendous stress, particularly in the hot and humid seasons. A roasting HVAC will not be able to run efficiently and can drive up your energy costs. Additionally, a hot and stagnant attic can lead to mold growth, putting the home, and your health, at risk.
How Our Attic Vent Fans Work
The solar attic fans installed by Texas Pro Insulators actively pull hot air and humidity out of the attic, helping it stay cool and providing relief for your HVAC unit. And, because they’re solar powered, they require no artificial electricity. Our roof mounted attic ventilation fans can certainly help your home be more energy efficient, especially when combined with other attic-insulating products.
The Perfect Attic System
Indeed, our solar attic fans are just one offering that make up The Perfect Attic System from Texas Pro Insulators. To maximize your home’s energy efficiency, we can also seal up any leaks in your attic and install blown-in fiberglass installation, a programmable thermostat, and reflective radiant barrier insulation—an essential product for insulating your home and driving down the costs of your monthly energy bills.
For more information about our solar attic fans or The Perfect Attic System, contact Texas Pro Insulators today. We’re based in San Antonio and serve homeowners throughout South Central Texas.